
Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Day 2

Falling Sand team's report-
Today the question of identity came to mind. Who are we? And who will we become?

We watched a video on maquiladoras and spoke with two women from the documentary. The name of the documentary is "Maquilaopolis." It was powerful and hopeful to hear their efforts to change the systems of oppression that cause so many to suffer. Being in Tijuana brings to the forefront the disparities of our world and how we contribute to those ills. I hope to continue to gain ideas and hopes for a new world in which we respect all people's dignity.

Is it better to have factories that employ people but don't treat them well, or better not to have the factories at all? Will those factories be reformed? Is it possible. The film showed us that a small group of women, working together, can battle big business and win.

while visiting the clinic earlier this morning, the poor living conditions were exposed yet again. The clinic itself was built on a former landfill area proving that there was a lack of sufficient land to build on. its amazing that these people can make do with what they have so well but also don't look down upon themselves but look at everything in a positive light.

its only the second day in and i already realize what makes me miss being here so much. immersing yourself in another community and culture helps remind you of who you are and where you come from. I have so many gifts to give and yet things still to learn as well. I hope to find ways to bring the joy I experience in Tijuana back with me in my day-to-day life. The relationships I have developed here in Tijuana have changed me and my perspective, but when I am 1000s of miles I can sometimes forget the people and experiences of Tijuana. I want to make a commitment this year to keep those important people and experiences close to me even when I am far away (physically).

I promise.

Stay classy Tijuana.

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